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Prof. Xue taught at APRU Summer Seminar 2016 on Digital Economy

The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Summer Seminar 2016 on Digital Economy was held in the last week of August 2016 in Tokyo. Prof. Xue, as a Member of Academic Advisory Council of The Asia Pacific Institute for the Digital Economy (APIDE) joined the seminar and taught at several sessions to the governmental officers from the APEC economies. Prof. Xue gave an orientation on digital economy and policy shifting in the world and presented on copyright and innovation industry in the digital economy.

APRU provides a framework for a range of cooperative activities among universities in the region, with current joint projects on climate change, the aging society, disaster preparedness, and global health. Reflecting the growing importance of the Internet, the 2014 APRU Annual Presidents’ Meeting agreed to work on a joint Initiative on “Governing the DIgital Economy.” The goal is to bring the academic community in the region into stronger contact with other members of the multistakeholder community concerned with the future development of the Internet.

Under the framework of the APRU Internet Governance Initiative, Keio University has hosted an annual APRU Digital Economy Business Offsite engaging the business community in the region and an APRU Digital Economy Summer Seminar working with regulators to build capacity in the Internet policy space. APIDE, established in 2012, is a research institute that can work with the academic community to clarify policy options and help build consensus around a set of pragmatic actions based on solid research and analysis throughout the Asia Pacific.

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Prof. Xue on APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance Expert Council

The 6th APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance Forum was held on June 28-30, 2016, in Jinjiang, China. Prof. Xue, who was appointed on the Expert Council of the APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance, presented at the Forum on the International and Global e-Businesses and joined the Expert Council meeting. She was one of the primary drafters of the Jinjiang Proposal, a statement officially released at the Forum and later presented at APEC meetings.

In line with the theme “Promoting inclusive trade through cross-border E-Commerce “, the Forum explored the new development of cross-border E-Commerce for SMEs to participate in international trade in terms of opportunities, challenges and the future deeply and comprehensively, and how to ensure data privacy security issues in the era of big data, and discussed the impacts of developing cross-border E-Commerce on benefiting SMEs,  driving a new round of global economic development and deepening the Asia-Pacific regional economic cooperation, so as to promoting stability, development and prosperity in Asia-Pacific region.

The Jinjiang Proposal made the following suggestions to global community:

For this purpose, our suggestions are as follows;

  1. To fully implement policy and business research advantages of the Alliance within its own field, actively explore practical ways and future prospect for small, medium and micro enterprises to participate in international trade and integrate into international value chain including obstacles which existing international trading system have on small, medium and micro enterprises integrate into international value chain, cross-border E-Commerce platform and environment, conditions and methods for small, medium and micro enterprises to develop cross-border e-commerce, to actively explore small, medium and micro enterprises innovation and entrepreneurship under the condition of Internet; to investigate innovation needs of each member country regulation mode regarding cross-border E-Commerce including the effective regulatory methods which the government and regulatory body have on flows of digital data and technologies, the protection which innovative systems and rules have on small ,medium and micro enterprises and the interests of consumers etc. These methods will promote and encourage small, medium and micro enterprises to participant in international trade through E-Commerce effectively.
  2. To actively promote each member’s government and industry organizations, try to form the rules for cross-border E-Commerce platform, establish cross-border E-Commerce credit verification system and markets for small, medium and micro enterprises in APEC region, to encourage cooperation and collaboration modes such as the Government and Enterprises ( PPP), platform and platform , reform international logistics practice, establish new international payment systems and credit rules in order for small, medium and micro enterprises to carry out cross-border E-Commerce.
  3. It recommends that all APEC governments and regulatory bodies allow for the development of industry standards for information technology and e-commerce that can be applied and observed equally by all SMEs throughout the APEC region.  This will require that all relevant industry participants, especially SMEs, be allowed to participate in the process of developing these standards.  The process could be organized and sponsored by the government agencies, but industry participants (including SMEs) should be allowed significant opportunity to present decisive input, and the process must be fair and transparent. The resulting industry standards must be acceptable and readily practicable throughout the APEC region not only applicable to certain entity. The result should be a network of e-commerce infrastructure that SMEs from any nation in APEC can access to participate and compete effectively in international trade throughout the region.
  4. To be active and efforts can be made into the following aspects;

a)       To set up designative contacts system and information-sharing network within the APEC region, publish each economy entity’s updates , relevant policy, cooperation projects in the field of E-Commerce, and promote information exchange within all members, share E-Commerce development results and achievements;

b)      To summarize the APEC region cross-border E-Commerce best practices and serve in exchanging visits between enterprises, business cooperation, technical support, investment and promote the development and progress for commercial and industry enterprises in the APEC region;

c)       To emphasize and strengthen capacity-building in the field of E-Commerce and encourage capacity-building training activities, shorten the difference among the economies, and promote APEC economies complementary advantages for each other.

5. We are committed to continue to strengthen coordination and cooperation with other relevant international, regional cooperation organizations and forums, so that APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance would play a more important role in regional and global economic governance system.


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1st JCP High Level Forum on International E-Commerce Law Succeeded



UNCITRAL-BNU Joint Certificate Program

First High Level Forum on International E-Commerce Law

November 27-28, 2014


E-transactions are not limited by national borders by nature.  Their adequate legal treatment is critical to ensure that all the benefits associated with the use of electronic means are fully enjoyed. Electronic exchanges have recently further increased due to the mobility of devices, but this also created additional legal challenges. In order to understand the main issues and the policy and practical implications, learning international law and foreign laws involving e-commerce has become as important as study of the relevant national laws.

The Joint Certificate Program (JCP) was jointly established by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (UNCITRAL RCAP) and Beijing Normal University (BNU) in October 2013. JCP with UNCITRAL Dr. Luca Castellani and BNU Prof. Dr. Hong Xue as Co-Directors, provides the unique opportunity to learn various legal issues in international electronic transactions, with special attention for international aspects and transnational legislation. JCP was born at the right timing. Internationally, JCP is a part of the UN legal technical assistance program to provide e-commerce law training to Judicial, Commerce and Customs Officials from the developing countries, e.g. Cambodia, Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka.  Nationally, JCP squarely fits the Chinese needs for high-level capacity building, research and international exchange on international e-commerce law, particularly when Alibaba and many other e-commerce enterprises were recently publicly listed overseas and Chinese E-Commerce Law is being drafted.

The first JCP High Level Forum provided a new rare opportunity for the Chinese community to directly interact with the international experts  from UNCITRAL, UNESCAP, UNESCO, IDLO, etc. who were invited to provide their legal opinions and comments on Chinese E-Commerce Lawmaking to the Chinese Legislature.

The BNU Newspaper published a comprehensive News Report on the Forum.


First JCP High Level Forum on International E-Commerce Law


Supporter: China Electronic Commerce Association Law and Policy Subcommittee; Internet Rules Research Center; China E-Commerce Law Net

Venue: Beijing Normal University, 19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street, Beijing 100875 China

Date: November 27-28, 2014 (1.5 days)


27 November 2014

8:30-9:50 Registration

9:00-9:50 Meeting of International Expert Advisory Committee (Closed)

10:00-11:00 Opening

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hong Xue, Director of Beijing Normal University Institute for Internet Policy and Law, Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU JCP

Opening Speeches

Prof.  Guangju Chen, Beijing Normal University Vice President

Mr. Joao Ribeiro, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific Director

Dr. Luca Castellani, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Secretariat, Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU

Mr. Yuzhi Shi, National People’s Congress Fiscal and Economic Committee Research Department Director

Mr. Alamusi, China Electronic Commerce Association Policy & Law Committee Deputy Director

Mr. Fuli Chen, Ministry of Commerce Treaty and Law Department Deputy Director

11:00-12:30 Enabling International e-Trade: UNECC and Other Legal Development

Expert Moderator: Dr. Dongchuan Luo, Head of 4th Civil and Commercial Tribunal, China Supreme People’s Court

Session Chair: Mr. William Paton, Special Envoy, International Development Law Organization

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Luca Castellani, Officer, UNCITRAL Secretariat; Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU JCP

Panel Discussion: Prof. Dr. Hong Xue, Director of Beijing Normal University Institute for Internet Policy and Law, Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU JCP

Q & A

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Facilitation of Cross-Border Paperless Trade: Legal Issues

Expert Moderator: Mr. Lei Wang, Senior Legal Counsel and Director of Policy Research,

Session Chair: Dr. Luca Castellani, Officer, UNCITRAL Secretariat; Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU JCP

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Yann Duval, Chief, Trade Facilitation, TID, United Natioins Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

Panel Discussion: Prof. Dr. Jian Wang, Director of International Business and e-Business, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)

Q & A

15:30-15:40 Break

15:40-17:00 Transactional Data in E-Commerce: New Frontier

Expert Moderator /Session Chair: Dr. Luca Castellani, Officer, UNCITRAL Secretariat; Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU JCP

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro, Professor of Internet Law and of Private Comparative Law at the University of Bologna, Italy

Panel Discussion: Prof. Dr. Hong Xue, Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU JCP

Q & A

28 November 2014

8:00-8:30 Registration

8:30-10:00 Dispute Resolution for E-Commerce

Expert Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hong Xue, Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU JCP

Session Chair: Mr. Alamusi, Deputy Director of Law and Policy Subcommittee, China Electronic Commerce Association

Keynote Speaker:

Ms. Hua Liang, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)

Ms. Haiyan Gu, Chief Legal Counsel,

Panel Discussion:

Mr. Xinwang Shen, Alibaba Inc.

Ms. Shuo Feng, Director of International Department, Beijing Internet Domain Name Engineering Center

Q & A

10:00-10:10 Break

10:10-11:10 Internet Governance and E-Commerce

Expert Moderator/Session Chair: Mr. Andrea Cairola, Adviser for Communication and Information UNESCO Office Beijing, Cluster Office to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Japan, Mongolia, the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea (ROK)

Keynote Speaker: Mr. Alamusi, Deputy Director of Law and Policy Subcommittee, China Electronic Commerce Association

Prof. Dr. Hong Xue, Director of BNU Institute for Internet Policy & Law

Q & A

11:10-11:30 Closing Remarks: Future Development of JCP



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首届国际电子商务法高层论坛成功举办 1st JCP High-Level Forum on International E-Commerce Law Succeeded


首届国际电子商务法高层论坛 (1st JCP High Level Forum on International E-Commerce Law)


2014年11月27日—28日,由联合国国际贸易法委员会与北师大国际电子商务法联合认证项目、北师大互联网政策与法律研究中心主办的首届国际电子商务法高层论坛在北京师范大学英东学术讲堂隆重举行。我校副校长陈光巨教授作为联合认证项目国际专家顾问委员会联席主席主持了首次顾问委员会会议,授予了出席会议的中外专家国际专家证书 。陈校长出席了论坛开幕式,并发表了热情洋溢的致辞。联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处、亚太地区中心、全国人民代表大会财政经济委员会、商务部、最高人民法院的有关领导先后在开幕式致辞,对论坛的成功举办寄予殷切希望。

此次电子商务法高层论坛主要目的是研究当今世界特别是中国国内电子商务法发展现状,整合当前各类国内与国际社会资源为我国的电子商务立法工作提供意见和建议,从而推动我国电子商务立法工作的进程。同时,此次论坛也为国内外国专家进行讨论、交流提供了宝贵的渠道 。在论坛上,学术界与电子商务企业交流热烈,演讲嘉宾与提问观众沟通顺畅。论坛吸引我校大量的在校本科生与硕士、博士研究生参加,瀚德学院的同学还利用所学习的第二外语在会议间隙与外国专家进行了法语、葡萄牙语交流。


此次论坛共分两天举行, 论坛共涉及电子商务国际贸易法的发展 、跨境无纸化贸易便利化的法律问题、电子商务的交易数据保护、电子商务争议解决、电子商务与互联网治理等5大专题。来自政府、学术界、商界和联合国的专家分别就各自专题发表了主题演讲。

   在第一天的会议中,此次联合认证项目外方主任联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处电子商务工作组负责人Luca Castellani博士 、联合国亚太经济与社会理事会贸易与投资部主任Yann Duval博士以及意大利博洛尼亚大学教授、联合国国际贸易法委员会电子商务工作组主席Giusella Finocchiaro教授分别就电子商务国际贸易法的发展、跨境无纸化贸易便利化的法律问题、电子商务的交易数据保护等问题发表了充满激情的主题演讲。二位博士的演讲得到了与会各界专家和学者的一致肯定。我校互联网政策与法律研究中心主任薛虹教授和对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际商务与经济合作系主任王健教授等专家学者,对主题演讲做了精确到位的评议,众多在场的与会者也积极地向各位专家提出了自己的疑问。









联合国国际贸易法委员会与北师大“国际电子商务法联合认证项目” (UNCITRAL-BNU JCP on International e-Commerce Law)

北京师范大学互联网政策与法律研究中心 (BNU IIPL)









8:30-9:50 会议注册

10:00-11:00 开幕式



联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太中心主任Joao Ribeiro 先生

联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处官员、联合认证项目外方主任Luca Castellani博士







11:00-12:30 电子商务国际贸易法的发展

嘉宾主持: 最高人民法院审判委员会委员、第四民事审判庭庭长罗东川博士

议题主席: 国际发展法律组织特使William Paton先生

主题演讲: 联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处电子商务工作组负责人Luca Castellani博士



12:30-14:00 午餐

14:00-15:30 跨境无纸化贸易便利化的法律问题

嘉宾主持: 新浪网高级法律顾问、政策研究总监王磊先生

议题主席: 联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处电子商务工作组负责人Luca Castellani博士

主题演讲: 联合国亚太经济与社会理事会贸易与投资部主任Yann Duval博士



15:30-15:40 中间休息

15:40-17:00 电子商务的交易数据保护

嘉宾主持/议题主席: 联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处电子商务工作组负责人Luca Castellani博士

主题演讲: 意大利博洛尼亚大学教授、联合国国际贸易法委员会电子商务工作组主席Giusella Finocchiaro教授




8:00-8:30 会议注册

8:30-10:00 电子商务争议解决

嘉宾主持: 北京师范大学互联网政策与法律研究中心主任、联合认证项目中方主任薛虹教授

议题主席: 中国电子商务协会政策法律委员会主任阿拉木斯先生







10:00-10:10 中间休息

10:10-11:10 电子商务与互联网治理

嘉宾主持/议题主席: 联合国教科文组织北京代表处通讯与信息顾问Andrea Cairola 先生




11:10-11:30 闭幕式:联合认证项目的未来发展






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JCP秋季系列活动周成功结束 2014 JCP Autumn Week Completed


2014 JCP Autumn Academy Week Successfully Completed with a series of expert lectures and high-level forum on international e-commerce law.


2014年24日—28日,联合国国际贸易法委员会与北师大国际电子商务法联合认证项目专家系列讲座在我校后主楼1822会议室举行,我校互联网政策与法律研究中心薛虹教授主持了此次系列讲座。来自联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处官员Luca Castellani博士和来自意大利博洛尼亚大学教授、联合国国际贸易法委员会电子商务工作组主席Giusella Finocchiaro教授作为受邀嘉宾。专家系列讲座为英文,吸引了法学院瀚德实验班、法学硕士研究生、法律硕士研究生的同学。在专家系列讲座中,Luca Castellani博士作了关于国际电子商务法、电子签名法、电子通信公约以及无纸化贸易便利化等为主题的讲座,Giusella Finocchiaro教授则着重为我们介绍了欧洲个人数据保护法的立法原则以及立法成效。

在此次系列讲座的前几天里,luca博士以幽默风趣的语言让同学们了解了国际电子签名法的立法目的、立法原则、立法成果以及其在生活中的具体运用。这使同学们接触到了一些新的法律理念,也拓宽了同学们的法律视野,为同学们更好、更深刻的理解和掌握国内外电子商务立法提供了必要的铺垫。另外一位学者Giusella Finocchiaro教授,深入浅出地为同学们阐述了欧洲个人数据保护法方面的知识。为使同学容易理解,她有意放慢了语速反复耐心地为在场的同学们阐述了欧洲关于数据保护的现状以及其未来发展方向,她特别提出的关于数据保护应该作为公民的一项基本权利来保护的观点得到了在场同学的一致认同,在场同学还与Giusella Finocchiaro教授展开了激烈的讨论与问答环节,最后整个讲座在意犹未尽的讨论中结束。


11月24 Monday

15:00-15:30 国际电子商务法导论/Orientation on International E-Commerce Law (Dr. Luca Castellani)

15:30-18:00 联合国国际贸易法委员会电子商务法、电子签名法 / Introduction to UNCITRAL texts on electronic commerce; texts on electronic signatures (Dr. Luca Castellani)

The lectures will provide an overview of the various UNCITRAL texts on electronic commerce, including with reference to their Chinese enactment, as well as the tools available to promote their effective use and implementation. It will then discuss in particular UNCITRAL texts on electronic signatures.

11月25 Tuesday

8:30-12:30 联合国电子通信公约:目的与实体条款 / UNCITRAL texts on electronic contracting; UN Electronic Communications Convention: policy goals and substantive provisions (Dr. Luca Castellani)

The lectures will discuss the provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce, and of its Chinese enactment; the history and policy choices behind the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts, and the substantive provisions of that Convention, including in relation to other UNCITRAL texts adopted by China.

19:00-20:30 无纸化贸易便利化与联合国亚太经社委员会地区性协议 / Paperless trade facilitation and the ESCAP agreement (Dr. Luca Castellani)

11月28 Friday 

14:00-17:00 欧洲个人数据保护法 / EU Personal Data Protection Law (Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro)











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