Archive for October, 2019

数字经济争议解决法律制度研讨会成功举办 Seminar on Dispute Resolution in Digital Economy Successfully Completed

2019年10月24日,为纪念域名争议解决制度建立二十周年、电子商务法颁布一周年,由贸仲与北京师范大学互联网政策与法律研究中心联合主办的“数字经济争议解决法律制度研讨会”(Seminar on Dispute Resolution in Digital Economy)在京成功举办。贸仲副主任兼秘书长王承杰出席了会议并致辞。北京市高级人民法院审委会专职委员、民三庭庭长杨柏勇、中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)主任助理胡安磊、互联网域名系统国家工程研究中心(ZDNS)副主任刘志江作主题发言。北京师范大学互联网政策与法律研究中心主任、贸仲域名争议解决中心副主任薛虹主持了致辞和主题发言环节。互联网域名系统国家工程研究中心主任毛伟、互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)北京合作中心主任张建川等出席了会议。








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Prof. Xue presented at European University of Rome

The possibility of a new Renaissance made possible by Artificial Intelligence – which in the national strategy proposal drawn up by a group of experts appointed by the Government, is defined as RenAIssance – represents an exciting challenge to deal with: future of work, interpersonal relationships as well as social and environmental protection, will inevitably be affected by the impact that Artificial Intelligence systems will increasingly have in everyday life. Then, it is important to face, both from the legal and ethical-anthropological point of view, the relationship between man and intelligent machines, in order to preserve the human being in his cultural and material wealth. In this context, the European University of Rome, with the Innovation Law Laboratory (InnoLawLab) has enriched its educational offer with the post-graduate Master’s Degree on “Artificial IntelligenceLaw and ethics of emerging technologies”, aimed at providing students with the necessary knowledge to understand the impact and the legal functions of Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies (Blockchain, IOT, 5G), in order to address the issues underlying its development and the spread of AI systems.

Prof. Xue was invited by the Director of InnoLawLab of European University of Rome, Prof. Stazi, to give a keynote speech at the Seminar  ” RenAIssance: Artificial Intelligence for a new Renaissance between development opportunities and need for protection”  on 14 October, 2019, 12.30 pm at Fondazione Alcide De Gasperi Rome, Via del Governo Vecchio 3.  Prof. Xue talked about the various legal impacts of deployment of AI in international trade.  She examined a variety of legal areas that may be affected including the contract law (automated and intelligent contracting agent), data protection law (GDRP’s ban on automated data process) and international trade law (3D and other tech to circumvent the trade barriers). She also answered many questions from both the faculties and students. Her presentation was warmly hailed by all the audience.



Pedro Barrajón LC
Rector of the European University of Rome

Keynote Speeches

Giorgia Abeltino
Director Government Affairs & Public Policy South Europe, Google
Economy of Intelligence and Smart Regulation

Hong Xue
Beijing Normal University Law Professor, Director of Institute for Internet Policy & Law (IIPL) and Co-Director of UNCITRAL-BNU Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce
AI in International Trade Law


Presentation of the Master’s Degree on “Artificial Intelligence: law and ethics of emerging technologies”

Emanuele Bilotti
Full Professor of Private Law – Coordinator of the Master’s degree in Law – European University of Rome


Round Table
Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Internet of Things: Emerging technologies and challenges for law, ethics, economy and job

Laura Di Raimondo, General Director Asstel
Paolo Cherubini, Foundation Terzo Pilastro Internazionale
Emanuela Girardi, Associazione Pop AI – MISE expert group
P. Alberto CarraraUniversità Europea di Roma
Marco Scialdone, InnoLawLab – Università Europea di Roma

ModeratesRaffaele Barberio, Key4Biz


Artificial Intelligence: Which policies for innovation, research and development

Luca CarabettaVice-President of the Productive Activities Commission Chamber of Deputies – Artificial Intelligence Parliamentary Intergroup

Anna Ascani*, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, University and Research

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Prof. Xue presented at Aspen Seminars for Leaders

Aspen Institute Italia is an international non-profit association dedicated to the high level exchange of information and values. The Aspen international network includes independent but coordinated offices in the US, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania, Spain and Ukraine.

The Aspen Seminars for Leaders (ASL) are the successful European version of the renowned original Aspen Executive Seminars. Their format represents a unique approach, both at the national and at the international level: the environment created at these events encourages free and open debate, leading to an in-depth analysis of topical issues of the day. The relevance of the discussions, the informal atmosphere, the limited number of participants per seminar and the common activities are just some of the characteristics of Aspen Italia’s seminar activity. ASL provides a unique opportunity to enhance knowledge and gain information; they offer a wide range of perspectives on the strategic challenges of a more and more globalized, multi-sided and competitive world. Far from giving off-the-shelf answers, the Seminars represent a sort of open agorà where businessmen can meditate upon the issues they have to tackle with daily, as well as the contradictory interests, values and cultures of the modern society.

In October 2019 the Aspen Seminars for Leaders was held in Venice at the San Clemente Palace Kempinski. The modern complex, with its beautiful open courtyards, preserves the charm and atmosphere of the ancient Camaldolite monastery, built in the second half of the seventeenth century. The artistic heritage and stunning scenery provide the perfect setting for meditative analysis.

Prof. Xue was invited to presented at the Workshop of data driven society. With the advent of the digital age, the relationship between data, technology, foreign policy and security is growing. For a long time, the Internet was seen as the modern agora. Today however, more and more experts highlight the risks that come from an increasingly concentrated control of data in the hands of a few players. At the center of the discussion is the fear that the internet could turn into a breach of democratic systems, with far greater repercussions than in the past. Prof. Xue emphasized the importance of protection of personal information while pursuing the social economic development. Prof. Xue particularly pointed out that undermining data protection in data-driven society is like development of manufacture industry at the cost of environmental protection. It’s not sustainable to adopt the model of pollution first and clean-up later-on. Her presentation was strongly supported by the all the participants.

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