Archive for June, 2015

2015 JCP Spring Week

2015 UNCITRAL-BNU Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce Law (JCP) Spring Week was successfully held by Beijing Normal University on June 21-26. Mr. Renaud Sorieul, the UNCITRAL Secretary and Co-Chair of JCP International Expert Advisory Committee, Mr. Joao Ribeiro, the Director of UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and the other International experts attended the series of events and showed their strongly support.

A series of academic activities were held during this week.

 June 21  15:30-16:30   UNCITRAL Experts Meeting

 Mr. Renaud Sorieul, the UNCITRAL Secretary, Mr. Joao Ribeiro, the Director of UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia, Mr. Jae Sung Lee, the legal officer of UNCITRAL, Prof. Xue Hong, Co-Director of JCP, and other international experts attended the meeting. They discussed the details of training on International Trade Law for senior officers from Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

June 22   14:00-15:00   International Expert Public Lecture

 2015 UNCITRAL-BNU Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce Law Spring Week – International Expert Public Lecture given by Mr. Renaud Sorieul, the UNCITRAL Secretary and Co-Chair of JCP International Expert Advisory Committee was successfully held at Room 1824 of New Main Building. The lecture was co –host by IIPL of BNU and UNCITRAL-BNU Joint Certificate Program, and supported by The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). Prof. Xue moderated the lecture. More than 30 arbitrators and officers from CIETAC, along with scores of BNU post-graduate students, joined the lecture.

Mr. Renaud Sorieu’s lecture on a series of international conventions administrated by UNCITRAL was informative, insightful and interactive. A couple of arbitrators had the interesting dialogue with Mr. Renaud Sorieu. The lecture ended in applause.

June 22 15:00-16:00 Meeting of JCP IEAC Co-chairs

 Vice president of BNU, Mr. Chen Guangju had a meeting with Mr. Renaud Sorieu, the UNCITRAL Secretary and Co-Chair of JCP International Expert Advisory Committee on June 22. The meeting was about the cooperation between the two sides and the future development.

 In the meeting, Mr. Chen awarded Mr. Renaud Sorieu the certificate of “Co-Chair of International Expert Advisory Committee of BNU-UNCITRAL RCAP Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce Law” to appreciate his contribution.

Mr. Chen introduced the history of BNU and the Law school, expecting the future cooperation and expressed his support on UNCITRAL-BNU Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce Law. While Mr. Renaud Sorieu spoke highly of the progress of Co-joint program. He said that UNCITRAL had made a lot accomplishment on legislative work on International E-Commerce Law and it’s a pleasure to cooperate with BNU to build the first program about International E-Commerce, he looked forward to more far cooperation.

Mr. Renaud Sorieu indicated that United Nations attach great importance on UNCITRAL’s work as the development of global economic environment. He thought international trade law would play a more important role in promoting living standards than international Criminal Law and international human rights law. He hoped more professionals would work for United Nations to provide the power of China.

Mr. Chen said that Law school of BNU put such a high value on international communication, and trained many students with ability to use second foreign language, hoping them to make contribution to the development of international communication.

Prof. Wang Xiumei, Director of international cooperation and communication, Beijing Normal University, Prof. Xue Hong, Co-Director of JCP, Professor Zhang Hong, Associate Dean of Beijing Normal University Law School, and Mr. Jaesung Lee, the Legal Officer of UNCITRAL attended the meeting.

 June 24 14:00-17:00 Prof. Xue’s Lecture for Senior Officials from DPRK

Prof. Xue gave a lecture to the Senior Officers from Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts and the other international trade laws.

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联合认证项目2015年春季系列学术活动周 JCP 2015 Spring Week

我校于2015年6月21-26日举办了联合国国际贸易法委员会与北京师范大学“国际电子商务法联合认证项目”2015年春季系列学术活动周。联合国国际贸易法委员会的秘书长、联合认证项目国际专家顾问委员会联席主席Renaud Sorieul先生、联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太中心主任Joao Ribeiro先生及其他联合国邀请的国际法律专家光临我校。雷诺.索芮先生、约翰.罗博罗先生及各位国际专家光临我校,是对联合认证项目的极大支持。


6月21日15:30-16:30联合国国际贸易法委员会专家工作会议: 联合国国际贸易法委员会的秘书长Renaud Sorieul先生、联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太中心主任Joao Ribeiro先生、联合国国际贸易法委员会法务官员Jae Sung LEE先生与我校联合认证项目主任薛虹教授举行了项目工作会议,讨论了朝鲜高级官员国际贸易法培训的相关具体安排。

6月22日14:00-15:00联合国国际贸易法委员会的秘书长、联合认证项目国际专家顾问委员会联席主席Renaud Sorieul先生专家讲座

北京师范大学与联合国国际贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL)国际电子商务法联合认证项目2015春季系列学术活动周之“大师讲座”在北京师范大学后主楼1824成功举行。本次讲座由联合认证项目与北京师范大学互联网政策与法律研究中心共同主办,并且得到了中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会的大力支持。讲座由北师大法学院薛虹教授主持,由联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书长Renaud Sorieul主讲。

Renaud Sorieul先生首先介绍了UNCITRAL的成立及发展历史,UNCITRAL多年来专门从事全世界范围内的商法改革,致力于协调各种国际商业规则并使之现代化,特别是“联合国国际货物销售合同公约”与“承认与执行外国仲裁裁决纽约公约”的历史沿革及积极影响。贸易意味着通过商业活动取得更快速增长、提高生活水平和获得新的机会。Renaud Sorieul先生强调应该通过商事仲裁以及谈判等手段,克服不同地区之间的政治差异。通过建立区域间的具有实际价值的和解机制,促进国际贸易的繁荣发展。Renaud Sorieul还就“电子商务示范法”等柔性国际法律规范的创造性贡献、“电子通信公约”及其他正在进行的关于电子商务的国际立法工作发表了精辟的演讲。Renaud Sorieul先生指出,世界经济相互依存度日益提高,改进法律框架、便利国际贸易和投资显得十分重要。UNCITRAL在协调和统一区域法律方面正不断取得显著成效。在UNCITRAL的努力下,我们有理由相信国际贸易法领域的各项工作一定会取得令人瞩目的成就。最后,前来参加讲座的贸仲委的多位仲裁员与Renaud Sorieul先生积极互动,交流工作经验。北师大师生也从讲座中获益匪浅。在热烈的掌声中此次大师讲座圆满结束。

6月22日15:00-16:00 联合认证项目国际专家顾问委员会联席主席会议

2015年6月22日,北京师范大学副校长陈光巨先生与联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书长Renaud Sorieul先生出席了北京师范大学——联合国国际贸易法委员会国际电子商务法联合认证项目国际专家顾问委员会联席主席会议。会议就联合认证项目双方合作及未来发展事宜进行了友好商谈。

会议中,陈光巨校长为Renaud Sorieul先生颁发了联合认证项目国际专家顾问委员会联席主席“荣誉证书”,以感谢Renaud Sorieul先生对联合认证项目所做出的重要贡献。

陈光巨校长就我校及法学院历史沿革向Renaud Sorieul先生进行了介绍,并就联合认证项目双方合作愿景进行商谈,表达了对联合认证项目所寄予的厚望,希望双方能够在未来建立更加密切的合作。Renaud Sorieul先生对联合项目的运行做出高度评价,他表示:联合国国际贸易法委员会在国际电子商务法方面取得了许多领先的成果,很荣幸与北京师范大学合作,成立了国际上首个专门关于“国际电子商务法”的联合认证项目,期待双方能够建立更加广泛的合作关系。

Renaud Sorieul先生表示,随着全球化经济环境的发展,联合国对国际贸易法委员会的工作表示了高度重视。他相信,不同于国际刑法和国际人权法,国际贸易法对提高人们的生活幸福水平扮演了更加重要的角色。同时也希望中国有更多专业精英能够进入联合国工作,为联合国的发展贡献来自中国的力量。陈光巨校长表示,我校法学院非常重视与国际的交流合作,同时也培养了许多拥有第二外语能力的学生,希望他们能够为国际交流合作做出更多努力与贡献。

出席本次会议的有:北京师范大学国际合作与交流处处长王秀梅教授,国际电子商务法联合认证项目中方主任薛虹教授,北京师范大学法学院副院长张红副教授,联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太中心Jaesung Lee先生。

6月24日14:00-17:00 薛虹教授为朝鲜人民民主主义共和国政府代表团讲授“联合国电子通信公约”与其他国际贸易法律文件

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