January 18, 2022 at 10:42 am
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2022 EUPLANT Agora was organized by Tsinghua University Law School and offered a series of lectures and round-tables on various legal topics, including judicial cooperation between the EU and China, comparative international law, the future of the WTO, the governance of digital economy, intellectual property and other relevant issues on EU-China collaboration. The Agora is invite-only and not open to the public.
On January 11, 2022, Prof. Xue joined the Round-table on Law and Artificial Intelligence, moderated by Vivian Ding of Microsoft China. Prof. Xue presented on the topic of “Legal Issues of AI in Digital Trade”, followed by Prof. Marina Timoteo (UNIBO) on “Ethical guidelines for AI: Europe and China compared” and Prof. Niovi Vavoula of Queen Marry University of London on “The Relevance of the AI Act for EU Immigration Control: Prospects and Challenges”.
Prof. Xue examined the most recent legal developments from China, SG-NZ-CL DEPA and EU AI Act and especially elaborated the caveats of algorithm regulations.
The EUPLANT Agora takes place in the context of the Jean Monnet Network ‘EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation’ (EUPLANT), in which Prof. Matthieu Burnay from Queen Mary University of London takes the lead. The network is sponsored by EU to investigate the interactions between the Chinese and the European Union (EU) legal and judicial systems and promotes excellence in teaching and research on EU-China legal and judicial cooperation. Through a set of research, policy and outreach activities, EUPLANT creates new avenues for enhanced academic and policy cooperation between the EU and China and engenders a better understanding of each other’s legal systems.
会议强调指出,在数字经济迅猛发展的背景下,以个人数据为中心的大数据时代将加速到来,其底层逻辑将更加要求数据的私密性、安全性、不可被利用和篡改性。本次会议倡议各界专家开放合作,发起个人大数据协作社群(Personal Data Community),形成围绕个人数据研究的开放合作机制,推动国内个人数据的政策和技术研究。 中科院计算机网络信息中心研究员王伟代表主办方进行总结性发言。互联网在美苏冷战的特殊历史背景下诞生,在理念和架构设计上强调数据互通而忽略数据权属。从技术角度来探讨个人数据问题,借鉴参考WWW之父Tim Lee的SoLiD技术理念和思路,为网络空间中的个体构建“个人数据中心”这一新型基础设施,不失为一条值得深入研究的重要技术路线,也非常高兴能够看到世纪互联等产业界已经开始了积极探索。他倡议,政产学研用等相关单位共同携手,在推动开放研究、凝练知识体系、形成理念共识、促进国际合作等方面积极合作,并开展试验系统研发和示范,尽快形成有中国特色和全球普适性的个人数据保护方案,使其成为构建“网络空间命运共同体”的必要组成部分和实践案例。