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Prof. Xue @ Asia Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2019

The Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum (APTFF) is the leading regional platform for the exchange of information, experiences and practice on trade facilitation. The APTFF has been organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and a growing number of partners since 2009, including UNCTAD, WCO and WTO. It is held biennially and attracts more than 250 participants from 30 countries. The 9th APTFF took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Delhi, New Delhi, India on 17-18 September 2019. The Forum was organized by ESCAP and ADB in collaboration with the Government of India and the Confederation of Indian Industries.

The Forum focused on how digital and sustainable trade facilitation measures and practices can bring prosperity to the Asia-Pacific region and investigated the opportunities from trade digitalization for sustainable development of the region, and challenges ahead in materializing such opportunities. it featured panel discussions, interactive and informative sessions allowing participants to share experiences and perspectives on different aspects of trade facilitation, including trade finance, cross-border e-commerce, paperless trade, and innovative application of emerging technologies, among others. The Forum brought relevant regional initiatives and implementation cases to each session to make it a unique opportunity to share knowledge and practical lessons. A number of side events were organized throughout the week in collaboration with other partners to provide more in-depth exploration of pertinent trade facilitation issues. The Forum also included an exhibition for relevant service providers and international organizations to promote their work in this area.

Prof. Xue gave an important presentation at  Session 5: Trade facilitation for e-commerce: Emerging innovations for seamless cross-border transactions by emphasizing the value of cross-border data flow in the paperless trade facilitation and encouraged the Member States to take action according to the WTO TFA with respect to data regulations. Prof. Xue’s presentation attracted many questions from the audience and she responded effectively to each of them.

Prof. Xue was also invited to take part in the APTFF Capacity Building Workshop on Cross-border Paperless Trade Facilitation, a side event organized by UNESCAP and ADB. The workshop brought relevant regional stakeholders of cross-border paperless trade and shared experiences and lessons learnt in its facilitation, including issues and challenges faced and actions and measures for implementation. The government officials from selected developing countries in the region as well as representatives from the initiatives on cross-border electronic data exchange from the region and beyond participated in the workshop. Prof. Xue gave the expert legal opinions on seven countries’ studies on challenges and way-forward for cross-border paperless trade. Her comments impressed all the stakeholders from the relevant development countries as well as the professionals from the international organizations.





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Prof. Xue’s keynote speech at APrIGF 2019

2019 Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF 2019) was held in Vladivostok, Russia, from 16 to 19 July 2019. The overarching theme for the event was ‘Enabling a Safe, Secure and Universal Internet for All in Asia Pacific’, with the sub-themes being: Safe Internet, Cyber-security & Regulation; Access & Universality; Emerging Technologies & Society; Evolving Role of Internet Governance & Multi-stakeholder Participation; and Digital Economy.

Prof. Xue gave a keynote speech at the Capacity Building Day on July 16 and talked about “Consumer Protection in E-commerce”, which as hailed by all the young fellows and other participants as very inspiring and forward-looking. Prof. Xue answered many questions and comments regarding data protection, consumer rights and other Internet legal issues. 

Prof. Xue was invited to be an expert panelist at the Workshop “A roadmap for studying ICT laws and building a database for Asia” organized by Association for Progressive Communications (APC) on July 18 and talked about the importance of building a people-centered and right-based legal framework for cyberspace. The session addresses the sub-theme on Safer Internet, Cyber-security and Regulation Online. It aims to encourage discussion on the growing number of policies, regulations and laws in Asian countries that seek to monitor and regulate the internet and the impact of these legislation on information and privacy among others. Of key importance is also our intended discussion on how we can build alliances with civil society, academia, journalists, the technical community and lawyers in order to create a multidisciplinary approach to challenge these laws where necessary, through creating awareness, bridging gaps in our understanding of these laws, not just among the various actors but also among a wider audience, and providing support to strategic litigation in different countries, with the ultimate aim of pushing for a regulatory framework that enables a more open, safe and secure internet.

Prof. Xue also actively took part in the discussion for the Synthesis Document

, which aims to document items of common interest relevant to Internet governance in the Asia Pacific region and has developed into one of the highlight innovations of the APrIGF and inspired other national and regional initiatives to develop their own processes.


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中国电子商务法颁布 薛虹教授接受专访 Prof. Xue @ Media Interview on the China’s New E-Commerce Law

Chinese Electronic Commerce Law, after four official reviews at the Congress and several rounds of public consultation, was finally approved the the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee on August 31, 2018. Prof. Xue, as leading expert on the Expert Lawmaking Panel appointed by the NPC , took part all through the 5-year intensive research, investigation, drafting and annotation process . The Law that is creative, comprehensive and forward-looking in various areas will be effective as of January 1, 2019. The Law. It addresses a series of new legal issues that had never been regulated in any other laws, home and abroad.




“促进发展,规范秩序,保护权益”是《电子商务法》的宗旨。薛教授认为,“最终体现了各方利益的平衡。” 在各个利益方的博弈下,妥协是难免的。但法律最终呈现出来的效果,还是比较令人满意的










在薛虹看来, “在任何的法律、行政法规中规定有连带责任的,那就是适用连带责任;如果没有专门特别的规定,那就是用补充责任。” 相对于补充责任来说,当前规定使平台承担了更多的责任。“相应的责任”也就意味着,在食品、药品等重点领域,如果相应领域的法律条文以连带责任对平台进行要求,那么就适用连带责任。而非以补充责任涵盖所有的领域。




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International Expert Lecture on Artificial Intelligence and the Right to be Forgotten 国际专家讲座系列 人工智能与被遗忘权



2018 Autumn Inaugurating International Expert Public Lecture 

Artificial Intelligence and the Right to be Forgotten


There is no better chance to celebrate the enactment of the China’s E-Commerce Law on August 31, 2018 with a Public Lecture dedicating to innovative legal issues, i.e. AI and Erasure Right. In the first part, Dr. Liu offers a brief introduction to artificial intelligence, followed by a discussion on potential legal and policy issues associated with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence that is poised to become the fourth industrial revolution, fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and learn. In the second part, Associate Professor Gehan Gunasekara examines the right to erasure (the so-called “right to be forgotten”) as it has taken shape in New Zealand both through common law and statutory developments. Focusing in particular on the Privacy Act 1993 he examines the connection between the need for erasure and related data privacy concerns, including the limits of correction, data quality and data retention limits. He argues that this bundle of rights is founded on respect for context and ought to be viewed as a societal right and not only an individual one. Finally, the presentation explores the special challenges arising from the digital sphere especially when information is linked or indexed online and hint at possible solutions. The BNU students, Chinese and international, enjoyed the lectures and interacted with the two experts actively.

Date: 4 September 2018, 18:00-19:40

Venue: BNU Law School Auditorium 1922


Beijing Normal University Institute for Internet Policy & Law; and,

UNCITRAL & BNU Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce Law

Moderator & Discussant:

Prof. Dr. Hong Xue, Director of Beijing Normal University Institute for Internet Policy & Law


Dr. Benjamin Liu, Senior Lecturer, Department of Commercial Law, Business School, University of Auckland

Prof. Gehan Gunasekara, Associate Professor, Department of Commercial Law, Business School, University of Auckland







讲座主题为“人工智能与被遗忘权”(Artificial Intelligence and the Right to be Forgotten),讲座专家为奥克兰大学商学院商法系高级讲师Benjamin Liu博士和奥克兰大学商学院商法系Gehan Gunasekara副教授。北京师范大学互联网政策与法律研究中心主任、联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太中心与北京师范大学国际电子商务法联合认证项目中方主任薛虹教授担任主持人与评议人。北师大法学院的十多位中外研究生以及留学生与访问、交换生参加了讲座,并与讲座专家进行了现场交流。

在第一部分中,Benjamin Liu博士简要介绍了人工智能,然后讨论了与人工智能相关的潜在法律和政策问题。人工智能有望成为第四次工业革命,从根本上改变我们的生活、工作和学习方式。在第二部分中,Gehan Gunasekara副教授将通过普通法和法定发展审查新西兰已经形成的擦除权(所谓的“被遗忘权”)。Gehan Gunasekara副教授特别关注1993年的隐私法案,研究擦除需求与相关数据隐私问题之间的关系,包括纠正限制,数据质量和数据保留限制。他讲到,建立在尊重背景的基础上的这一系列权利,应该被视为一种社会权利,而不仅仅是个人权利。此外,Gehan Gunasekara副教授探讨数字领域带来的特殊挑战,尤其是在线上链接或索引信息并提出了相应的解决方案。

最后,十多位中外研究生以及留学生与访问、交换生提出了富有价值的问题,并与Benjamin Liu博士、Gehan Gunasekara副教授进行了热烈的讨论。

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Professor Xue Addressed at 39th ICDPPC

 Organizer’s Thank-You Letter to Professor Hong Xue

39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (“ICDPPC”) was held on 25-29 September 2017 at Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong.  This Conference was hosted by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as one of the events celebrating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The ICDPPC was first convened in 1979 and has been the annual premier global frum for data protection authorities for over three decades. The Conference seeks to provide leadership at international level in data protection and privacy and links more than a hundred privacy and data protection authorities from across the globe. The 39th ICDPPC comprised a comprehensive 4-day programme consisting of a closed session for the accredited members of ICDPPC and an open session attended by all in the data protection community including data controllers, privacy related enterprises, business entities, professionals and academia. More than 750 delegates from over 60 countries or regions attended the event where renowned practitioners and entrepreneurs from around the world joined as speakers and panelists to share their wisdom. The 39th ICDPPC was hailed as the prime arena and excellent platform for all international and local stakeholders to pick one and another’s expertise and map out the future privacy landscape.

Prof. Xue was invited to give the keynote speeches both at the Open Forum “Notice and Consent-From India to Japan” and the workshop “Privacy and Encryption in Digital Age”. Prof. Xue summarized the latest legal and practical developments in Asia Pacific Region and made indepth analysis on the relevant topics.

The thank-you-letter from Mr Stephen Wong, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, HKSAR is attached.

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