Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program

“Internet governance is the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.” -Paragraph 34, WSIS Tunis Agenda

Asia Pacific has more than a half of world population. The Internet penetration in the Regional is growing rapidly. By the end of 2010, almost a half of world Internet users will be in Asia Pacific. Governance issues, such as Critical Internet Resources, Security and Stability, privacy, e-commerce, cyber-crime, network neutrality, dispute resolution, Internet of things, etc., are critically defining the development of this region. However, Asia-Pacific’s multi-stakeholder participation in the global Internet governance is considerably underdeveloped. Technical community and civil society in Asia-Pacific Region is particularly underrepresented and inarticulate in most global arenas on Internet governance. ASIA-PACIFIC INTERNET LEADERSHIP PROJECT (APILP) wishes to enhance regional capacity on policy-making and process-building for global governance of the Internet.

Given the tremendous diversity in languages, cultures, eco-social status in this Region, a systematic, informative and insightful training program will meet the pressing need of the Regional. Asia-Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP) will provide a unique opportunity for the Asia-Pacific participants from various stakeholder groups who have actively involved in Internet governance activities. We invite technical and management community (such ccTLD managers, gTLD registries, registrars), governmental officials, civil society leaders and Internet entrepreneurs to become the fellows. APILP  will provides Internet policy training or brainstorming for current or future leaders of Asia-Pacific Region.

APILP will provide multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder lecture series by distinguished experts from academia, governance organizations and businesses, as well as open discussion forum for fellows from a variety of stakeholder groups. APILP will be a learning center on Internet governance issues in Asia-Pacific Region.

The founding APILP will be organized by the Institute for Internet Policy & Law of Beijing Normal University in Beijing, tentatively in early July 6-8, 2011. Application and selection process will commence from February 2011.

Program Director and Chair of Faculty Board is Dr. Prof. Hong Xue, Director of Institute for Internet Policy & Law, Beijing Normal University. Project Coordinator is Mr. Yaling Tan, Policy Officer of CNNIC.

Tentative scientific program includes:

Internet governance—An Asia-Pacific Prospective;

Global legal issues in Internet Governance;

Managing Critical Internet Resources (Domain Name System and Internet Numbering System);

New Governance Issues (Internet of Things, Network neutrality, Youth protection)