Archive for January, 2016

2015 UNCITRAL ASIA PACIFIC DAY @ Beijing Normal University JCP

On December 1, 2015, BNU-UNCITRAL Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce Law (JCP) successfully organized the UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day Lecture in the Law School Auditorium of BNU. The Co-Directors of JCP, Prof. Hong Xue, Director BNU IIPL, and Dr. Luca Castellani, UNCITRAL Legal Officer, gave the lectures respectively.

Prof. Xue, at the beginning, gave a briefing of the development of JCP (please refer to the JCP Chronicle at <>) and addressed the Program’s great potential on teaching, research and international collaboration. Prof. Xue also circulated the new updated flyer of the JCP to the audience.

Dr. Castellani joined remotely from Vienna and gave a lecture titled “The future of e-commerce law: the UNCITRAL perspective”. Although the same lecture has been presented several time at different occasions in Beijing, Dr. Castellani was always able to provide the updated and fresh knowledge and information and inspired the new thinking in this legal area.

Many BNU post-graduate students joined the Lecture and actively interacted with the Lecturers, despite Beijing’s terribly smoggy weather all through early December 2015. The students’ passion for international e-commerce law is inspiring all the faculties of JCP to work harder to achieve bigger success of the Program.

The Publicity materials for the Lectures shown on BNU campus. The left one is the JCP Officeat BNU and the right one is the Poster for the Lecture

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2015年12月1日,“北京师范大学与联合国国际贸易法委员会国际电子商务法联合认证项目2015亚太日专题讲座”在北京师范大学后主楼1822学术会议室举行,本次讲座通过电话会议与现场会议相结合的方式举行。讲座由北京师范大学互联网法律与政策中心主任、认证项目主任薛虹教授现场主持, 联合国贸法会官员Luca Castellani博士也通过电话视频参与了本次讲座。

本次讲座主要内容是回顾本项目的阶段性成果、总结项目进程中遇到的问题和解决办法。首先,作为项目合作方的薛虹教授高度评价了认证项目的成果,特别是对其他发展中国家法制建设的重大作用和对参加者的视野的扩展。随后,她也提出了认证项目的不足之处和尚存在的一些问题。紧接着,本项目的外方合作人Luca Castellani通过电话会议的形式,对整个这次活动研究的内容和亟待解决的问题做了完美阐述。Luca Castellani最后希望在座的所有学生能够积极参与,勤于思考,为推动中国的法制建设而努力。最后,学生提问环节,法学院学生王倩积极发言,她的问题集中代表了在座学生们心中的疑惑,Luca Castellani博士耐心的解答了她的问题后,会议在意犹未尽的气氛中结束。12月初的北京雾霾笼罩,但是学生们不减的学术热情,激励JCP的所有同仁继续努力,争取更大的成功。

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