Prof. Xue presented at UNCITRAL DE Expert Group Meeting

On 8-9 March 2021, at 11am to 2pm CET, Expert Group Meeting (EGM) was held to discuss the digital economy project. The EGM focused on 2 themes, i.e. (a) a legal taxonomy on emerging technologies used in digital trade, in particular a new section of the taxonomy on online platforms; and (b) a proposal for future legislative work by UNCITRAL on the use of artificial intelligence and automation in contracting (including “smart contracts”).

The EGM was in the form of a moderated roundtable discussion with introductory remarks by the Chair of UNCITRAL, H.E. Eric Anderson Machado, Ambassador of Peru, and the Secretary of UNCITRAL, Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret. More than 30 experts from 20 countries joined the EGM. Prof. Xue was the only Chinese expert invited to participate and present at the meeting.

On day one, Prof. Xue shared the Chinese experience on legal definition and regulation of e-commerce platforms and discussed with the other experts on the relevant taxonomy, actors and legal engagement issues regarding the platforms. On day two, Prof. Xue discussed the difference between machine automation and autonomy, AI ethics and liability issues with the other experts.

All experts agrees that the discussion shall go one and UNCITRAL’s DE project will considerably important to the establishment of the relevant legal framework on new digital trade.

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