
2023年4月17日18点北师大全球发展战略合作伙伴项目国际专家网络讲座第六讲隆重举行。主讲人为来自该项目国际合作单位联合国国际贸易法委员会负责电子商务工作组的Luca Castellani博士,法学院院长梁迎修教授作为致辞嘉宾,介绍了北师大与联合国国际贸易法委员会长期的合作关系、联合主办的国际活动,并表达了继续与之合作发展的良好愿望。本次讲座由法学院薛虹教授担任主持人和评议人。薛虹教授介绍了Castellani博士在联合国专门机构工作二十余年,积累了关于国际立法工作的丰富经验,参与多部联合国电子商务领域的示范法起草、谈判、解释、修订工作,为国际贸易法发展作出贡献。



Beijing Normal University Global Development Strategic Partnership Project Foreign Expert Virtual Lecture Series Lecture 6

Moderator:Professor Xue Hong, Beijing Normal University

Distinguished Guest:Prof. Liang Yingxiu, Dean of Law School, Beijing Normal University

Lecturer: Dr. Luca Castellani, Legal Officer of UNCITRAL

Topic: Contribution of Recent and Current UNCITRAL Work to Digital Trade

Dr. Luca Castellani is a legal officer in the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). After graduating in law in the University of Torino, he received a doctoral degree in comparative law from the University of Trieste and a master in international law from New York University. He joined the Office of Legal Affairs of the secretariat of the United Nations in 2001 and the UNCITRAL secretariat in 2004, where he works in the areas of international sales and of electronic commerce. As secretary of UNCITRAL Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce), he oversaw the preparation of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records. He is also active in the field of paperless trade facilitation and has contributed to drafting the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific. From March 2012 to November 2013 he was assigned as first Head of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, located in Incheon, Republic of Korea. In his leadership, the BNU- UNCITRAL RCAP Joint Certificate Program on International E-Commerce Law was established in 2009, which organized the BNU High-Level Forum on International E-Commerce Law in 2014. He has published several articles and other materials on international trade law and comparative law, namely sale of goods, electronic commerce and trade law reform in developing countries.

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